Friday, February 29, 2008
:: Deliberate Dreams ::

I wonder if anyone else could do the same as I did. Whenever I knew that I was in a dream, I could control the outcomes. I could prevent myself from being captured, I could try to fly, I could call out names of whoever I would wanna see, I could go to places I wanted to go to, etc. However, they could all only happen in the dream.
Last night's dream was pretty messy. I was with my "cousin" at some void decks, and to our horror, at every corner there were couples all around. Hence we gotta seek refuge in our car at some multi-storey carpark. [reason for having dreamt this, perhaps I knew. I was pretty traumatized on my way home yesterday by that certain couple who acted extra intimate at every moment a passerby walks past them. "PDA: Public Display of Affection (unlicensed)"]. I mean what's there to show off. Or was that their intention when that couple decided to be a couple? Young people nowadays hmm.. though it's not as if I'm any older.

However, I don't know how I ended up having games with a taekwondo club, where I do see my ex-taekwondo mates. Somehow I was to pass through a group of taekwondo players who would block me from getting to my final point. They were all males. I was thinking to myself it would be impossible. One of the male, happened to be Adam Chen. haha!! That's pretty wierd. I was first humdum by him, before I returned my kicks (surprised I could remember them in my dreams), and then I won. haha. So amazing. [reason for the dream perhaps: on my way home last night, I ran into 3kids who were in their taekwondo gee. last night's tv programme on channel 8, "Just In Singapore", Adam Chen was one of the actors]

haha. I could almost predict what I dream, as they are usually things that happened during the day or before I sleep. Has anyone done this before?
Sometimes I do dream of the same place over again and again, though not consecutively. I could recognise the place, which I feel it doesn't exist. I couldn't find any place in Singapore that resembles it 100%. Perhaps it's because I've only searched Singapore, out of the entire world. Some places were homely, some were eerie. Hmm..
posted at [10:34 AM]
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
:: I Lost Myself ::
Today's internship interview by SIM intern reps went rather havoc.
1. 5minutes late.
2. said to be soft-spoken. being a choir singer, aren't you supposed to project your voice?
3. suggested to be more assertive at appropriate times.
4. Told to be careful at work, or I'll be bullied.
5. Resume was commented to be a little childish (of secondary school standard).
6. Why is your email named as "servantgrace"?
1. Well-mannered girl.
2. Resume submitted over to company for 2nd interview.
3. Not bad achievements.
Cries. I guess I have to learn from each experiences. To think I could reduce my dullness from these disappointments, I actually slipped into further disappointment. I couldn't really get back to books. I felt really like a lost wandering soul.
I know God loves me and wants me back. I also know how much I need Him. Was it because I had too high an expectation? Or was it because I stretched myself too much hence the disappointments slips in?
posted at [12:02 AM]
Monday, February 25, 2008
:: Haha... ::

Sunday was a mad day, so to speak. Waking up 6am in the morning is only the 1st issue. Having choir rehearsals is just the 2nd issue. Having stomaches was the 3rd issue upon the 1st, as I rushed down my Lau Mai Gai for breakfast. The horror only came at Lunch. I agreed with Clare to have lunch together the following Sunday, so we went to Thomson PLaza yesterday. As I was in the midst of preparing for my internship interviews, I took out my research papers on the 2 companies I've chosen. They include annual reports and market explores on them. I merely chucked them on the tables while I go and purchase my food. Hence, to have sat right beside Kevin (Clare's husband), was just so wrong. hahaha..Clare started speaking to Ellen about her job and so and so.. In between, I felt the intensity of a "business talk" among the older adults. I was kinda left out and felt alittle uneasy. Was thinking to myself, will I be speaking in that manner when I eventually work?Shortly after the business talk. Kevin began asking me about those research papers he saw. There began his questions firstly on my syllabus; Clare says he wants to be a career advisor. haha. Then he said he wanted to test me, since I was preparing for my intern interview. He began asking me on my companies' profiles and business trades. Luckily I could vaguely recall something to say. haha. Leeden does welding, etc. After a moment, he began asking me an accounting question, and he claimed he was testing me just in case my interview includes such a question. I was so shocked by the very question:Under FRS 39, Recognition & Measurement, what's the difference between the Fair Value under the P&L and Valuation of Equity? *Freeze*Froze*Stunned for words?Next thing I did was, "what was the question again?". And I placed my head on the table. Then I think I really didn't touch on that topic at all. Maybe it's in Financial Mgt or Mgt Accounting which I'd only do next year. After reseacrching from about FRS39 which was also IAS39, I still can't answer. *FaintsAfter lunch, we decided to proceed to YaKun for a drink. However, the terror didn't cease! As we sat down, Kevin continued his questions. huh?? 放过我吧! This time his question doesn't seem so difficult. He asked:What's included in an Equity valuation?I just merely repeat whatever I usually see in the Balance Sheet. haha. Share capital, share premium, etc. Then just decided to show him the company's annual report. haha.When Clare saw my research papers, she took alook at it. Then also asked..haha! She asked if I touched on DCF. I was appalled, as I didn't know what's that. There she showed me on my papers, "Discounted Cash Flows". I think I was too tired to think or recall. I studied in PBF, but I just replied I don't know. haha. Then she began telling me about each year, where you discount the values to find its PV till the ending period. haha.. Then a sudden exclaimation, "Yes Yes!! I learnt that last year". haha!! It was so funny at one point where both Clare and Kevin seems to fight over to question me. Till Kevin overtook Clare. haha. Poor Clare. Kevin was like a machine-gun, bang bang many questions. Clare just merely asked little by little. haha. After leaving Thomson Plaza, I felt that I needed to brush up so much more. Mr. James Kwan is enough to kill me already. However, can you imagine after stepping into my commercial world, questions that Clare and Kevin asked would become historical or so much lesser than what it would actually be? Brush up!! I don't want my studies to become an impairment loss to be written off. *sobs.
posted at [11:36 PM]
Saturday, February 23, 2008
:: Homework ::
Actually heard them from my sister before this on youtube. Pretty simple and catchy.
I'm supposed to book a sports complex or a KBox session for cell. This is really funny when Alfred gave me the job with the excuse that I'm a more "online-person" than compared to the rest.
I was glad yesterday I managed to attain permission from someone at practice to join in the fun. So glad the person agreed.
posted at [11:40 AM]
Thursday, February 21, 2008
:: Submerged ::
I wonder what to be thinking these days. There's just no space for me to think anything other than my studies. Prelims are coming really really soon (though they wouldn't be included into my major exams). However, it's a crazy season to chiong for it. Definitely I wouldn't want to do badly in prelims. It seems that I couldn't breathe as there are piles and piles to do.
For the first time in my entire uni days, I took courage to meet up with my lecturer at a private session so as to consult Financial Reporting questions. For the first time I felt that the FR lecturer of mine isn't as scary as I had thought he would be. He's just like a teddy bear who would sit with us to explain many many of our questions. And we would realise how silly we are when things were actually rather simple. I even felt that he resembles Pastor Peter for the 1st time, who would be so nice yet at times would be rather strict. haha.
I'm thankful to God that I've found really true friends this year, who go through the tough times and the silly moments of uni. I felt that I wasn't alone in this battle of exams and studies afterall. We're in it altogether, and we could help each other. It was pretty 温心 to have friends who call each other up at nights to discuss FR questions into the wee hours. Ultimately each of us learnt more, just within the 3 of us. Really amazing. Thank God for them.
Anyway, during the recent seasons of mugging, I went into certain routes to relief my stress. I found this website online, where someone has uploaded the entire episodes of Kinship 手足 (II). So impressive. This blogger had so much time to do so.'s definitely a postive externality. But it definitely derives free-rider problems. Here's the website:

I've also found another website which impressed me even further. This blogger has ALL, almost all of Mediacorp's artistes' blog, FC websites linked to her (on the left hand column). All of these websites are found to be real too (really written by the artistes themselves). I was shocked at how this person have gotten the networks. haha!! Anyway, it's a positive externality again, for entertainment. haha! Here's the website:
I've even found a website where someone had uploaded all of the episodes of the drama 黄金路 onto it. haha. The quality of the videos and sound are not bad, compared to what I see on youtube. haha. These people are amazing. How I wish I had such luxury of time too. Here's the website:

Anyway, I do enjoy these 2 drama serials that MDC had produced recently. Pretty realistic and relieving. haha. However, I don't have the time these days to watch them all over again (which I wished I could). I don't even have sufficiently time for rest, above all else. Studies are really making senile these days. Yet I'm over-maximising my time for many other stuff. Can't believe it.
The busier I get, the more things I do, and the lesser I sleep. Faints!!
posted at [4:04 PM]
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
:: Chinese New Year *more ::
OveR at Jennifer's place, with my other fellow JC mates on 初四:
Here's (left to right): Jennifer, HuiRu, SinWee and Me! [I looked really haggard in this pic]
Me and HuiRu!
The guys, which I haven't seen for a LONG LONG time. (from top left to right): TengFei, SiJun, and Simon (below). SiJun looks a little like Elvin Ng, haha..And I wasn't only one who gave him that comment.. Right SiJun??

posted at [5:56 PM]
Monday, February 11, 2008
:: More reports about my Wisdom Tooth Operation ::
The X-Ray first taken. Those crosses are those wisdom tooth that were extracted. YEs, all 4 of them.
Syringe to spray antiseptic lotions and water onto the wounds, while I can't brush them at the moment.
This is how the teeth looks like before I superglued the separate pieces.
This the final artpiece, after I've superglued them.

posted at [8:42 PM]
:: Chinese New Year 2008 ::
My family and I made a trip to Changi Airport Terminal 3. Just to be curious.
My sis and I.
Funny looking sculpture that many were trying to take pics with, I wonder why. But I took with it too anyway.
I like the forest-green looking of this section.
This looks like a skyscrapper, haha. Made of many metallic pieces.
A little fountain in T3.
This looks very interesting, to arrange the luggage trolleys in such a unique shape.
Went to MinMin's place with Rachael.
Here's MinMin, Me & Rachael. We made MinMin wear her new year dress for the photo. haha!
This is MinMin's youngest sister, playing a duet piano piece with MinMin.

More pics to come!!
posted at [8:30 PM]
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
:: Contemporary ::
I'm amazed how Contemporary could be used to portray such emotions and feelings. This is just one video out of many more.
posted at [8:47 PM]
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
:: Chinese New Year Festive Season ::
Everybody say "Hey!" and "Ang! (red in Hokkien)". haha. The entire Chinese New Year mood has gone into me. The 4 of us had a great time at Chinatown last evening. haha. Laughter and Smiles along the way.
Take a look at the moods we've captured:
Here's a man who does Caligraphy in a whole entire different way. This is a pic of him multi-tasking his drawings while rolling a metal bowl with his right arm.
This is a pic of him drawing with two brushes in his mouth.

Here's his license.

Here's the journey towards the Chinatown Pasar Malam, when it was still bright.

Finally entering the Pasar Malam!! There were so many stalls selling MOCHI which was on high demand! haha. Here's one stall that sells it for $1 per 100gram.
While Rachael was busy taking pics of the mochi stall, this guy(left) became "furious" and insist that we should take a pic of him instead. Hence, there's this picture of him in a stunned expression. haha. We meet interesting people in Chinatown.

Here's a man selling balloons. I love this balloons when I was younger. They're different from the normal ones you blow into.

Here's another interesting MOCHI stall. They sell Mochi for $3 per packet. We were all given a relatively large plastic bag to fill in any amount of Mochi we wanted, in fact as much as we wanted. And it'll just cost $3. The packet would definitely exceed 300grams. Hence, it was rather worth the price.
This was the man who kept rapping his offer rates which goes “一个纸带三块!一个纸带三块!一个纸带三块!一个纸带三块!” We couldn't retain our giggling and burst out laughing as he goes onto rap those lines again and again. We even ended up rapping along with him, and he followed us and our action (Yo! Yo!).
Here's the entire stall. Lots of Mochi!!

Leroy came along with us too. He was the fastest among us who managed to fill up his plastic bag. I was the last...haha.

Leroy and MinMin got their cheese sausages, $1 each, along this stretch of road.

Here's a man who uses plasticine to mould it into a sculpture of the man in front of him.

3aunties with our shopping bags.
1 uncle also with a shopping bag.

Preparation fo CNY eve roadshow by Mediacorp.

Here's a video of the Music and Dance folks at the upper levels:
posted at [11:02 AM]