Sunday, December 30, 2007
:: Kick A Big Fuss ::
When the year comes to an end, I kicked a big fuss. I felt as if this was the worst year I ever had. It didn't end off well. So much of disasters and things that didn't go my way.
I went to visit my grandpa at the columbarium the other day, and noticed many things. There was one girl who was borned on the same year as me, but died the very next year; 1986-1987. I was so shocked. The girl only had her baby photo. However, at least she lived for a year. I guess sometimes life's just so unpredictable. Sickness is one factor that triggers death. Catastrophes and tragedies are another. Nobody knows when all these would take place.
This Christmas was actually the worst I ever had. I teared several times during the production. Why? Human Resource problem. Or you may call it "politics". Sometimes it's really hard to work with people who don't appreciate you. Or even worst, people with selfish ambitions. I've never felt so brought down at any other production except this round.

1. Being criticised while I was doing a job of the pendulum
2. People with attitude problems speaking a manner that would really bring your spirit down.
3. People who like to push the blame around and round (never ends).
Etc etc. I wondered how many times I ran to the secluded staircase bursting into tears. I never felt this way before. Deeply hurt. Perhaps my expectations for people are really beyond their limits.
posted at [7:40 PM]
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
:: I HATE YOU ::

Don't let me report on you someday. Don't let me lose my patience. I have a limit to what you're doing. I hate you. Ever since the day you scarred me with hot water, because I misbehaved as a kid. Ever since the day you banged my head against the wall, and called me "good for nothing". Ever since the day you suggested me to sleep with men outside for a living. Ever since the day you locked me up in the storeroom after whacking me from head to toe, when I was a kid misbehaving. Ever since the day you placed my hand above the stove to burn. I hate you!! Ever since you said you could make me alive one day and dead the other day, since I'm your daughter.
My childhood had all been ruined. I never knew what was love, even till now. I never trusted anyone. My character, and my medical condition, don't you think you've got something to do with it? Insecurity, inferiority, inconfident, etc. Don't you think so?
Abuse. The word abuse is everywhere today. Never would I expect that I would experience it directly from you. I hate you!
All restrictions and commands I've aligned since young. Now it's too much that you're even stopping me from going to trinity. I hate you! Just because you don't like certain people there, how could you say that I'm no longer your daughter the very moment I stepped back into trinity? I never knew humans could be like that. I don't believe you're human. I don't know where you came from.
It has been 21 years. Singapore full age. I wonder what's wrong with you. Am I your criminal or who am I?
posted at [1:06 PM]
Sunday, December 23, 2007
:: The Father's Love ::
Here's Christmas Pics for the production of "The Father's Love".
Katherine (the dancer cum choregrapher).
Me, Kat & Jane (who I knew through the audition. a natural dancer)
haha..This is my photo-shop creation. In fact, I wasn't the only one who felt that Kat looks like Hilary Duff, when she had her fringe.
Rachael & Me. I wonder why was it so dark..But anyway, we look GOOD!
Rene and Me. The dancer whom I also knew through audition, via Esther, who looked really natural while doing the chinese dance.
Hope & Grace. We were the pendulum indicators for the choir; directing the choir to sway Left and Right. As the name says, it's hope and grace, which we needed alot during the production. Bcoz there was really a problem with coordination. I couldn't even count how many times I had to went back home to rehearse "swaying" in front of the mirror, and choregraph a proper sway that EVERYONE (even the lame) can do it. argh!! This cannot, that also cannot. Finally, the simplest sway, which was only enforced on the 3rd production service. At least we make it for 3 out of 5 services. It's B4, 60%. Pass lar. Can't be perfect anyway, since we aren't clones.
Haha..Her make-up really made her look a little fake. That's HweeSan, my alto-harmonising leader.
This is a bunch of silly us. Kala, Elizabeth and me.
haha. That's YinShi and Me. YinShi ah...why did you point at the wrong place.. "No eating and Drinking"

This is Adrain. Silly guy but sang really well. Drama King lar this guy.
CHoir group. That's Adrain, Rachael, Kala, Me, Irin, Elizabeth.
The entire choir group.
This is Elizabeth and me. She's only 13, but a natural choir singer.
Gina and me. hehe. Another lady of my kind, who loves to "theh.."

posted at [7:12 PM]
Thursday, December 20, 2007
:: Samaritan Woman's Dance ::
posted at [3:01 PM]
:: Glorious Dance Video ::
Finally a "complete" dance video for Glorious. Which most probably be launched at Watchnight. haha.
posted at [12:52 PM]
:: Alive Dance Video ::
Hooray!! Check out the videos and more videos to come, after I've choregraphed for more dances.
posted at [12:38 PM]
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
:: Stupid Cupid dance video ::
found this on youtube. haha, really cute.
posted at [12:35 PM]
Saturday, December 15, 2007
:: Joy To The World a whole goofy style ::
Three Dogs Night presents to you Joy To The World and The Deep Blue Sea!
posted at [1:28 PM]
Thursday, December 13, 2007
:: I'm Confused ::
Have you ever wonder why girls sometimes become those who make really lots of mistakes which AA the wrong group of people to them? What is it really that they wanted?
The answer's simple. LOVE.
The world's in need of Love that people would do anything just to achieve it. A neglected child would do theft just to get the attention of his or her parents. A geeky nerdy school girl would suddenly dress up, in fact over-dress and suggestively dressed, just to seek the attention of her ideal school boy. Some would go to the extend of self-multiliation. Some would end up making mistakes that are not reversible, and could change their life completely for a bad purpose.

Why do many search for Love in the wrong ways?? How is it that we know Love comes instantly from the Father, and yet we still search in the wrong areas? I don't understand.
Sometimes I don't seem to understand myself. I could easily lose myself to get what I want, where most of the time I don't get it. Cuz God knows if I'm doing it this way, it'd turn out really bad for me. And He wouldn't want me to end up getting on a ride which I wanna get off. Did I ever not know?
posted at [10:10 AM]
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Finally, the dance video of "Glorious", sang by Martha Munizzi. No audio for this video but there will be a better video coming up soon. So hang on!!
Actually more videos will be going up.
posted at [8:27 PM]
Saturday, December 08, 2007
:: Check out this video!! ::
I got this video from GodTube, which linked me to Haha!! Didn't know a team has choregraphed the dance for "Glorious" before I did (in fact, haven't completed). haha.
My video will come soon! When I've put together all steps from verse to chorus to the bridge, and yes, the transitions from one part to another.
posted at [9:35 PM]
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
:: The dance steps ::
One lonely night..When I just couldn't fall asleep, I started seeing moves (as usual) in my mind. This time it has to do with the song "Glorious" by Martha Munizzi.
I've actually videoed it down, but somehow can't manage to edit it. Hence the video will be uploaded later. Now, let's just explore the steps.
When you come
into His presence
lifting up the name of Jesus
When you hear
the music playing
and you see
the people praising
Just forget
about your worries
Leave your troubles far behind you
Don't you wait another minute
Just get up and on your feet and
Get to dan-


Get to


Make it


Make it glorious/ Make His praise




posted at [10:07 PM]
:: Pictures as I've promised ::
Alright..These are photos from Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon Experience. Though I didn't do well. But, at least it's an experience worth remembering.

The next few pictures are of the Goodie Bag and the contents in the Goodie Bag.

Blue..One of my Favourite color!!
posted at [9:51 PM]