What a Long Break from writing..
It's now July. Many friends are back from their overseas studies, for the summer vacation. I've met up with most of them, except for a few. Perhaps I'm just at the bottom list of "friends" for certain friends whom I know. It's not something bad or something I should feel jealous about. Because, it's preference and relationship that always produces differences.
Anyway, thank God for blessing me with another job. What's more, it's a job I've been longing for- Accounts Asst. ANd the location is just right for me, whenever I feel like walking by the rivers. The tall towers always reminds me of the corporate ladder. My windows now are like a good weather forecast. The clouds are nearer to me. REminds me how awesome our God is.
My hair has been reduced in length. An impulsive disaster. This isn't the hairstyle I asked for. Due to changes again and again from the hairdresser, hence it's this short. My fringe even endured all edges or the blade, because he just can't get it right. Hence, I had it pinned up instead. Or else I'd look retarded.
Well, another update. I've chosen all my subjects. Thank God again for good timeslots and for securing all the modules. Amen!
posted at [11:07 AM]
Hi, this is GraceTan!!
I'm princess whom God has created!
A composer and coordinator in music. A choregrapher and coordinator in dance.
A child of God, serving His kingdom, and awaiting for Victory.
My name is Grace, but everybody calls me GraceeHeart. Well, can't help it..because i'm just Miss ConGeniaLity! shhh..keeping a LOW PROFILE!! sounds like an oxymoron? haha!!
My mission on earth is to live my Life to the Fullest: save lives, reachout to lives, be a good steward of my finances, education, relationships. But the main 2purpose on earth is to Love God and His people! My destiny is in His hands, where no demon nor alien can destroy it. It's one that only I am destined to fulfill it!! Amen? =)
no one can be my enemy except the guy with his surname 'tan' and an unrecongized English name 'sa'
and i dun like ttgmp!!
I Wanted
Graduate with a First Class Honours in BAFFT!! yay!!
Get Married soon!! to that, i'm reading Proverbs31:10-31 regularly to groom myself to be the Right Partner and a Noble Wife. This can be fulfilled!=)
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*September 2006
*October 2006
*November 2006
*December 2006
*January 2007
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*September 2007
*October 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*February 2008
*March 2008
*April 2008
*May 2008
*June 2008
*July 2008
*August 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*December 2008
*January 2009
*February 2009
*March 2009
*April 2009
*May 2009
For Laugh
What do u call somebody from US who went to the moon? Ans: Astraunaut. How abt someone else from S'pore who went to Mars? Ans: Sureornot. And someone else from M'sia who went to Pluto? Ans: Canornot. HAAAHA..