Hope For Grace
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." -Proverbs 13:12
I had been whinning all these while, feeling frustrated about my applications to the University. Seems like no where wants me. Why is all these happening? (sounds similar?)
On 28th June 2006, a letter came from SIM. I was accepted, though i was a VERY LATE applicant. Praise the Lord.
He has fulfilled my longing!! I've now a Tree of Life!!
Trust in Him.
"When it's time for it to come to pass it will come to pass" -spoken from Him last August 2005.
posted at [10:14 AM]
Warnings In The World
Swans frequently visit Mill Pond, England, where RBC Regional Director Howard Liverance lives. He writes, "It's a beautiful place...where ducks, geese, and other water-fowl frolic playfully." Yet even in this idyllic setting there has been danger. Across one corner of the pond are some power lines. A number of swans have been killed because they didn't see them as they approached the pond.
Howard talked with some people about this problem, and eventually the power company installed red flags on the lines. Now the swans can see the danger and avoid it. Since the red flags were installed, not a single swan has died.
God has provided some "red flags" for our protection. The book of Proverbs is filled with warnings about evil and encourages us to seek wisdom.
In Proverbs 13:1-14, we find several red flags, including:
1) Don't ignore instruction and rebuke -vs1
2) Guard your mouth -vs3
3) Beware of the pursuit of riches -vs7
4) Avoid dishonesty -vs11
5) Don't direspect God's Word -vs13
The Word of God "is a fountain of life, to turn [us] away from the snares of death" -vs14
posted at [9:55 AM]
Among the first words many of us were taught to say are please and thank you. However, no one gets quite as excited as a parent or grandparent when a toddler first utters those words and makes the connection between asking politely and receiving gratedfully.
Even as we aged, these words became very insignificant in our vocabulary, especially to our Heavenly Father. We tend to focus more on our pressing needs than our previous provision. While God invites us to come to Him with our needs, He also urges us to make graditude a habit.
In Colossians 3:15-17, Paul instructed every follower to remain grateful to God:
1) Be thankful -Colossians 3:15
2) Sing with gratitude to the Lord -Colossians 3:16
3) Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him -Colossians 3:17
"Very few things honor and glorify God more than the sweet fragance of a thankful soul. It expels gloom and ushers in sweet peace and blessed hope. Gratitude encourages graciousness" -Dr.Michael Avery
posted at [8:03 AM]
It's the Whirlpool
It's all in the Whirlpool.
Someone is stuck in the whirlpool, and she doesn't know how to get out. Everything, every circumstances, every setbacks, everything that's happening seems to spin round and round and round and... This didn't end. And it hasn't ended. It seems like it wouldn't end.
Just then a 'cry' came from her in the whirlpool. A deep weary cry, from the burdened heart cried out: "Lord, aren't You gonna save me, i'm gonna drown?" (sounds familiar?)
Just then, He replied: "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He rebuked the waves and the winds, and it was completely calm.
Sometimes it seems that we're stuck in a whirlpool that seems like it will never cease. Here is when we concentrate on all that's happening; the winds, the waves, everything that's happening. But haven't we forgot that we've got a Heavenly Father watching over us? Just cry out to Him and run to Him. He'll save you, and He'll deliver you.
Rest in God oh you worried soul. For He is sovereign; Be still and know He is God.
posted at [9:54 PM]
Relationship are so important yet fragile at the same time.
This is me and my sister. We treasure each other alot, throught the darkest valleys in our lives.
We're all made for relationships. The Chinese character 'ren' (ren=people) itself has two strokes; indicating that we're made for relationship, to build up covenantal relationship and friendship, sisterhood, brotherhood, parental relationship, marriage. This isn't a profound coincidental issue. It's definitely there for humanity.
Continue to treasure the people around you. They maybe there a minute and not the other.
posted at [12:05 PM]
Press On!!!
Hello Everyone!!
All progress in the spiritual life is progress toward knowing God and loving Him--moving toward the point at which we say with Israel's poet: " God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" (Psalms73:26)
Our perspectives changes the way we look at things. A cloud may look like a Monster at the angle of 90 degrees, but it'll be seen as a lovely lamb at 45 degrees. If one tilts his head 45 degrees downwards at a junction of a road end, he may think it's the end of the route. However, if he LIFT UP HIS HEAD another 45 degrees, he'll see that he can take a step up at the road end and move on.
Sufferings and adversity become the means by which we're made hungry and thirsty for God. Disappointments become the tools that wean us away from earthly occupations and move us toward a preoccupation with God alone. Even sin, when repented of, becomes a mechanism to push us closer to Him so that we can experience His love and forgiveness. ALL THINGS BECOME USEFUL WHEN VIEWED AS THE MEANS TO THE HIGHEST GOOD--Drawing Near to God.
"I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hole of me" --Philippians 3:12
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers(sisters too), when ever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverence. Perseverence must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." --James 1:2-4
So lets LAUGH at the days to come \(^o^)/
posted at [11:55 AM]
Donkey Mentality
Hi everyone,
I've taken this out from my TAWG and wanna share with you guys, in the midst of serving God. Hope it'll bring a refreshment and a restoration of your purpose in His.
They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them and Jesus sat on them. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed shouted:
"Hosanna to the Son of David!"
"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
"Hosanna in the Highest"
A minister referred to Christ's triymphal entry into Jerusalem and asked: "What if the donkey on which Jesus was riding had thought all the cheering was for him? What if that small animal had believed that the hosannas and the branches were in his honor?"
The minister then pointed to himself and said: "I'm a donkey. The longer I'm here the more you'll come to realize that. I am only a Christ-bearer and not the object of praise."
We are all Donkeys, Christ-bearer, assisting God's work to be done. Do not concentrate on yourself, but the Sitter upon u. If we could develop a healthy "donkey mentality", what an asset that would be as we travel the road of life. Instead of wondering what people think of us, our concern would be, "Can they see Christ Jesus, the King?" Rather than seeking credit for service rendered, we would be content to lift up the Lord. -David McCasland
A Christian's life is a window through which otheres can see Jesus
posted at [11:52 AM]
Rhapsody in Blue: a piece of music with full of feelings but not in a regular form
"Silent winds in a troubled mind"
Often at times when we're feeling dull and troubled, they would be several thoughts running through our minds. These thoughts are very often 'silent'. It may just creep in on us. Many will end up suffering mental-breakdown. This reason is why so what happens in our psychological being.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" -Psalms 37:4
As we learn to stay seated in our present troubledness, we'll find rest and peace. The Lord is our Hiding Place and our Refuge. Present all worries at His feet for He's sovereign to take control of them yeah? Hence, you'll be glad that His plans are greater than ours. If our prayers don't work out the way it's prayed, be excited for the Lord has greater plans for us!! You'll often look back and find that several things we use to worry about has worked out just fine. So fret not, worry not. Lift up your heads oh you burdened hearts, the God above is larger than the problems we have below.
posted at [11:34 AM]